Lt. Col. Ryan Hulse is a native of Houston, Texas. He completed his undergraduate studies in 2003 at Texas State University at San Marcos with a Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sports Science. He also possesses a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the College of William & Mary.
He commissioned through ROTC as a second lieutenant in the Quartermaster Corps. Hulse’s military education includes Quartermasters Officer Basic Course, Combined Logistics Captain’s Career Course, Advanced Military Transition Team Training, Basic Airborne School, Aerial Delivery and Materiel Officer Course, Defense Strategy Course, Command & General Staff College, and he is a Demonstrated Master Logistician.
His major assignments include: 4th Infantry Division, Fort Cavazos, Texas; Military Transition Team in Iraq; 14th Transportation Battalion, Vicenza, Italy; 173rd Brigade Support Battalion, Bamberg, Germany; Major General James Wright MBA Fellowship at the College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia; Combined Arms Support Command, Fort Gregg-Adams, Virginia; 3rd Special Forces Group, Fort Liberty, North Carolina, and Southern European Task Force-Africa, Vicenza, Italy. He has three combat tours to Iraq, and he has participated in seven major exercises in various African countries.
His awards and decorations include the Army’s Bronze Star (1OLC), Meritorious Service Medal (3OLC), Joint Service Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal (2OLC), Army Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Iraqi Campaign Medal (4 Stars), Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Overseas Service Ribbon (Numeral 3), Army Service Ribbon, the Valorous Unit Action (1-67 Armor), Parachutist Badge, Parachutist Rigger’s Badge, Royal Netherlands Jump Wings, and the Combat Action Badge.
He is married to Alice Oblak of Vicenza, Italy. They have two daughters: Sofia (11 years old) and Vanessa (9 years old).