Video by Sgt. Mariah Gonzalez
Leap Fest 173rd Paratrooper Interviews (B-Roll)
173rd Airborne Brigade
July 24, 2024 | 4:02
1st Lt. Angelea Lance and Sgt. Kaity Andersen, U.S. Army paratroopers assigned to 1st and 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade, respond to questions regarding LEAPFEST during an interview, July 24, 2024, Caserma Del Din, Vicenza, Italy.

The purpose of LEAPFEST is to promote the camaraderie and Esprit de Corps of the Airborne Soldier through international competition. The competition is routinely attended by representatives from Allied Foreign Militaries, as well as from the US Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps.

The 173rd Airborne Brigade is the U.S. Army's Contingency Response Force in Europe, providing rapidly deployable forces to the United States European, African, and Central Command areas of responsibility. Forward deployed across Italy and Germany, the brigade routinely trains alongside NATO allies and partners to build partnerships and strengthen the alliance.

(U.S. Army video by Sgt. Mariah Y. Gonzalez)

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